My beer’s ready! . And I’ve learnt so much the last week. . This is a 5,000-year-old recipe which has Egyptian roots. It uses barely-cooked bread to provide most of the fermentation power. I made mine with local spelt, which I malted (sprouted) myself. . When you think of beer, you think of men, right?! Me too, until I listened to @rootkitchens talking on @missingwitches earlier this week. Until recently it was *women* who were the beer-makers. They took it to market, wearing pointy hats so they’d be noticed, carrying it in a cauldron. Sound familiar?! They did this until society starter a smear campaign against them, these women, these ‘witches’. . I feel like I’ve opened a box and have so much more reading to do. . And I feel heartened to know that I am stepping in the footprints of my English female ancestors as I bring this brew to life in my kitchen.