This – a photo of me aged 20 – is the most personal picture I’ve shared since starting my Ancestral Kitchen profile here a year ago.
And it feels delicate. But at the same time, I am so moved to share – as it helps illustrate *why* I do what I do in my kitchen everyday and just what it has helped heal in my life.
In the second episode of @ancestralkitchenpodcast, I say to my co-host Andrea:
“You can look at someone and think, oh, they’re thin, or they’re beautiful, or they’ve got good skin – I had terrible skin, and I spent my entire adolescence overweight and being bullied….and it’s through going into that, and addressing the problems that I had, and facing them, that I’ve managed to move to where I am.”
Not only has facing my food issues brought me to *such* a joyful, healthy, unusual and tasty place with my food creations, but in that process (which is still ongoing!), I have healed and am healing so much more than just my body.
I hope that by sharing my kitchen joy plus a little of my story (including this picture), I’ll impart the depth, joy and healing available through food. I’ve changed mine and it’s changing me.
You can download the three currently-released Ancestral Kitchen podcasts, including the ‘Meet Alison’ episode, via the link in my profile or by searching for it in your podcast player.
If you have comments or would like to share anything of your food story, do let me know. Even though I may seem all official and that, with a podcast, I’m just me, in my kitchen, getting on with the things that need doing :-)