Have you ever tried to make a dough from rolled oats? It’s not easy! The protein in oats, avenin, isn’t ‘sticky’ like gluten so you have to coax the grain into a dough with skill and a few ‘tricks’.
My tricks: I use warm water and add a little fat. It helps! Apparently my ancestors, the many inhabitants of the United Kingdom who did this before me, didn’t need tricks! The British equivalent of Italy’s ‘pasta grannies’, they whipped up crack-free oat dough with incredible sleight of hand, the technique locked in their muscle memory!
They then baked it into oatcakes. You can buy oatcakes in the UK (but who’d want to when the home version is so much better?!), but as I learnt from my co-host on @ancestralkitchenpodcast, @farmandhearth oatcakes aren’t really a ‘thing’ in the US.
They *are* very much a ‘thing’ in our house. I’m sharing the recipe (tricks and all) in my newsletter that’ll go out tomorrow. If you aren’t on my list, head to ancestralkitchen.com/newsletter (link in profile) to receive the recipe.