Sourdough oatcake pop tarts! . When I came up with a recipe for sourdough oatcakes I never imagined sandwich-ing two of them together with a fruity jelly to make a pop tart. But man, it works, and I am ever-so-grateful to @mrsachase for taking my oatcakes and coming up with this idea in her kitchen! . The recipe for the sourdough oatcakes is on the resources page of my site ( Check my story today for some step-by-step photos (I’ll save them to my oats highlight). . You could also make a version of these pop tarts using a traditional Scottish, unfermented, oatcake (again, recipe on my site). The Scots didn’t ferment many of their oat products – I’ve got a newsletter going out tomorrow talking in depth about that fact. If you’d like to receive it go to – there’s a sign up at the top of every page.