Think fermentation’s just about kraut, kombucha and sourdough? What about extending it to rubbish; to your kitchen waste?!! These two buckets and the bag of inoculated bran next to them have given me an amazing way to transform my food scraps, through fermentation, into compost.
Once the ferment is done, I dig it into my container-garden pots. The vegetables that I’ve grown since I started with this method, called Bokashi, have been much bigger, happier and delicious!
Today’s @ancestralkitchenpodcast is all about Bokashi. It will teach you everything you need to know about what it is, how it works, how you can use it in both a tiny town apartment and a large homestead and what the benefits are to you, your plants, the soil and the environment.
@farmandhearth and I, thanks to @teraganix have a 2-bucket Essential Bokashi set worth $126 to give away (to someone in the US or Canada). To enter please tag someone who you think would love to get started with Bokashi in the comments of this post. The competition will close next Tues 29th at midnight US time.
Listen to the @ancestralkitchenpodcast episode to find out more by searching for us in your podcast app or by streaming/downloading from the link in my profile.