Earlier this year I was interviewed by Jane over at @farmtofuture podcast.
Jane’s now celebrating the first birthday of the podcast and giving away a stash of goodies, including a copy of my course on how to make the ancestral fermented drink, Boza. If you’d like to enter, check out Jane’s words and link in her bio!
We’ve teamed up with a handful of amazing founders and their sustainable food brands, to gift you a few things to try in your kitchen! Farm to Future’s mission is to help you source food that’s better for the land, and we’re thrilled to partner with these up-and-coming brands who value the same 🤝😍
Submit your email through the link in our bio by November 22. One winner will be randomly selected on November 23!
🥓 Regenerative pork jerky + pork floss from @bonjerksnacks
🍄 Gourmet dehydrated mushrooms, mushroom powder, spice blends + mushroom hot cocoa from @sporeattic
🍫Fair Trade and certified Organic coffee bar sampler box from @coba.coffee (Check out their Kickstarter on now for 🆕 matcha, chai, and hojicha bars!)
🥣 Sample pack of Michigan-grown ancient grain teff granola from @eatteffola
🍶 @ancestral_kitchen video course on how to make your own probiotic Boza drink