An idea is a beautiful thing.
But for me, the hardest thing with ideas is understanding which are mine to go forward with, and which are nice but not for me.
I have gone ahead with the ‘not for me’ ones many times; feeling squeezed in some way has made me take action when it’s not been right. I’ve tripped and fallen, often in big ways.
Close behind the ‘is it for me’ dilemma, has been developing the patience that helps me realise that ideas very rarely become fully fledged ‘things’ without a lot of persistence; the doing of little things over and over again and waiting.
This week’s @ancestralkitchenpodcast episode is a bit of an ideas-fest! Andrea and I talk about what both the podcast and our own lives have taught us this year, we share our most popular episodes of the year and we talk about what we’d like to happen in the podcast, our kitchens and our lives in 2022.
This is our last episode of 2021. If you’ve listened this year, thank you. If you’ve reached out – to comment, share, thank or review, thank you. Amazing that 20+ episodes, 14,000+ downloads and so many wonderful connections have come from just a little idea. It feels good; like this idea was meant for me to mention to @farmandhearth and for us to persist in taking forward!