I’ve wanted to make an Ancestral Food podcast for some time. A year and a half ago, shut in a bedroom in our apartment in Florence, I tried recording myself. It sounded flat. I knew what I wanted to do, but I also knew I couldn’t do it alone. I needed an ‘other’ to bounce off, to converse with, to question and laugh with.
And there was no-one. I’d only just decided on www.ancestralkitchen.com as a url. And, after over 2 years away from all social media, I didn’t have many contacts online.
So despite a deep desire to move forward, I parked the idea.
And I carried on slowly building what I wanted to see in the world.
And then, last summer, I ‘met’ Andrea @farmandhearth. And we started exchanging comments, then messages, then photos, then project ideas. And I thought..maybe…just maybe she’d want to do a podcast with me.
So, feeling more than a little nervous, I asked. And boy, did she jump :-)
We started talking about it in November. We tried our first recordings in December. My hubby recorded us a theme tune in January. We started leaning into it and having fun in February. And now, come March we’re ready to launch!
The thing that I dreamt of 18 months ago has materialised :-)
Two things are important here:
1 – If you have a creative idea but things don’t seem ‘right’ for it, don’t give up. Get on with sharing what you want to share and give life the opportunity to show you the possibilities that you don’t have right now.
2 – If you’re at all into real food, regenerative agriculture, ancestral food, kitchen creativity, feeding kids, farming, fermentation, supporting local communities, eating better, living naturally…if you care about any of these things, listen in.
Today, we’ve released our first 3 episodes. At the moment, there are a few ways to listen:
1/ Go to the link in my profile and stream or download the episodes from my website.
2/ Check the RSS link in @ancestralkitchenpodcast bio – copy and put that into the URL field of your podcast app, or click on it and listen to it directly online.
And then come back and tell us what you think :-)