Egg and toast? Well, yes, but it’s so much more…
Millet and sorghum sourdough made at home by a Mumma for lectin-free experimenting son who misses his bread.
Topped with melting lard made by @aziendaagricolapodereruggeri and brought down the hill to our house in a padded cool bag by my running husband.
Sprinkled with home-charred black salt magically brought to life with the help of @darra.goldstein’s latest book, a joy to read.
Accompanied by an egg from Flavio’s chickens, just over the hill at @lavalledelsasso
On a plate bought in Florence, a table made by hand, looking out at a sunny Tuscan morning.
None of these things were easily come by. And yet all of them emit such joy. Let me take a moment to really *feel* that.
Morning wishes to you all. x