This might be the most beautiful of the breads that I’ve made with the spent grains from my ancestral beer.
You’ll see some husk – that’s from the oats I’m now consistently using (in addition to my staple ale grain, rye) in the brew. Oats were traditionally used in ale in the UK, and they make ours taste very good.
To malt oats ready for brewing, I must sprout them. And to sprout oats, I need the ‘naked’ variety (as standard oats are heat-treated during processing, therefore unsproutable).
There’s no way I’m throwing away the spent grain after brewing. And I don’t mind this husk in my bread at all. In fact, I like it. It reminds me of what my ingredients are – a grain, a grass, once a weed (as oats were). It reminds me of Sylvia at @lebarbarighe who grew the oats. It reminds me of what the oats have already given us; great ancestral ale.
And turns out our ancestors were used to having bits of husk in their food. Thank you to @harrigendall for sharing this quote (from The Gorse Glen by Evans) with me:
“There was always a considerable amount of husk left in the oatmeal ground in the old mills. It could be seen shining in the oatcake, like bran in wheaten bread. But say what you will, generation after generation of sturdy men and women were nurtured on oatcake in which a good deal of husk was mixed, men and women who were much longer lived than are the people of today, brought up on shop cake.”
‘Nuff said. I wish you could come and spit out some grain at the table with me ;-))