Milk kefir is my nemesis!
Fresh, home-made probiotics are *powerful* things. I should know, I’ve spent almost a decade measuring the amount of sauerkraut I have and ever-so-gradually increasing it. I started this because too many fermented foods stop me sleeping. For others, too much might cause tummy upset or skin reactions…
What I’ve also learnt, along this journey, is that not all fermented foods are the same. Some are more vigourous, some gentler.
For instance, I remember reading in the GAPS book (@ancestralkitchenpodcast episode on GAPS coming soon) that sauerkraut brine is gentler than the actual fermented cabbage.
Milk kefir is the undisputed King of fermented foods as far as I’m concerned. Every time I try to have another go at bringing it into my life (and of course, I try a lot because it tastes so darn good!), I’m there wide awake at 2am!!
And yet, in the tapestry of my own healing, I feel it’s important, so I’ll get organised (just like I did for sauerkraut) and my teaspoon out, starting *really* slowly.
In the meantime, the beautifully fermented, but less vigourous ‘boza’ (pictured) will deliver its probiotic goodies to my tummy. We all have idiosyncracies, things we’re healing, things that don’t sit right with us and boza – being gluten, dairy and lectin free can offer a delicious (and historic) probiotic.
Videos of my boza process in my story today and thank you @bigbank2riverbank for this picture of your boza fermenting. It was wonderful to talk boza and much more when we met last week.