How do I use ancient grains in sourdough bread? . How do I get my sourdough to rise more? . How do I freeze and store dough or finished bread? . What flour is best for sourdough starters? . We asked for your sourdough questions and, boy, you sent them to us! We spent a *long* time sorting and prepping for this episode – if you’re a sourdough baker, particularly one who loves ancestral food, you are in for a treat: it’s almost 90 minutes of Q&A plus *do* check the show notes…there are so many resources there! . Let @farmandhearth and I know what you think! And if the explorations you dive into following the episode bring up *even more* questions, send us those and we’ll plan a round two!! . You can listen to @ancestralkitchenpodcast in your podcast app or stream/download from my site: the link is in my profile. . Happy baking :-)