Who hasn’t dreamt of packing everything up and setting off on a campervan adventure?!
But for those of us who care about what we eat, the thought of cooking four plates of nutrient-dense food three times a day in a tiny van; of only having a two-burner stove; of no limitless water supply, no freezer and a tiny fridge. Man, that sounds hard, right?!
That’s exactly what Charlie, our guest today on @ancestralkitchenpodcast did for two years, whilst travelling around Europe with her husband and her two small children.
Download to hear how she did it (including how she cooked pizza!), some wonderful tales of the seasonal produce she found in the many countries she visited, what the experience taught her and why, back in a normal house, she misses her tiny kitchen!
Thank you @babybusadventures for sharing your story and thank you for taking this gorgeous picture!
You can find us by searching for Ancestral Kitchen Podcast in your app or by streaming/downloading via the link in my profile.