Another sourdough carrot and spelt cake about to go into the oven.
I’ve been recipe testing and covering my camera in flour and fat most of this week. Here’s what I’ve been making:
Rye breads for my upcoming course at @thefermentationschool (I filmed the “what to do with sourdough discard” section yesterday).
Pig skin crunchies. I filmed each step for a potential YouTube video and gave a bag of the finished goods to my son to take on his first ever cinema trip (who needs popcorn when you’ve got pig skin?!)
Lard. The fridge is full of the white stuff and we have cracklings which I made into crackling bread (a recipe I’m testing to accompany an upcoming article I’m writing for the Weston A. Price journal)
Liver pate using @almostbananas recipe. Delicious! Photos of that to come next week.
And lastly, more of this delicious egg and dairy free sourdough cake. I will write up the recipe soon and share.
Meantime, this weekend, I’m taking a rest :-) I’m getting better at coming off SM completely for two whole days. Some Sundays I don’t even pick up a computer. We’ll see whether I manage that this weekend.
What have you been creating this week?