I found a copy of Pellegrino Artusi’s famous late 1800s cookbook for 1 Euro in my local herbalist’s shop yesterday. Turns out an old lady who is friend’s with the herbalist was decluttering. I was chuffed as I’ve been looking at it on bookshelves since we moved back here to Italy.
It’s just in time for the research I’m doing for an @ancestralkitchenpodcast episode I’m recording with @farmandhearth next week. The iconic book has three pizza recipes in it, *all* of which are sweet and have eggs in.
I feel another ‘historical myth’ needs busting (check my last post for a busted one on olive oil):
Pizza as we know it was not widespread in Italy until very recently.
@historicalitalianfood’s book confirms it. So many of the women interviewed say something along the lines of ‘I didn’t try pizza until the 80s’.
So, I say, if you want to put left over chicken on your pizza (as I have done here!) go do it. Put sweet things on it (I once at Guava on a pizza in Brazil) heck, even pineapple. Just know what the toppings will do to your base so you don’t end up all soggy (unless you want that!)
The recipe for this sourdough spelt pizza base is in my profile.