The kitchen is potentially a crucible for learning *so* much more than how to create good food.
It’s tempting to collapse in a heap of ‘Why can’t I just…’ when things don’t go to plan, but the truth is that we can take every failure, every finger maceration, every ‘experiment’, every puddle of spilt milk and use it to as an opportunity to look at life, and ourselves, differently.
The prep for today’s Zoom fermented gingerbread bake up has been one of those opportunties for me. This picture might look perfect, but trust me, it’s not. It’s dry. It’s not spicy enough. It took 10 hours to rise!
Version two was too wet. Attempt three was much better. Number four (to be mixed when I stop typing this!) will hopefully be another improvement.
@kitchencounterculture, @zerowastechef, @elliemarkovitch and I will be sharing our creations and, as @kitchencounterculture puts it, ‘rethinking perfect’ out in the virtual world at 2pm CET today!
There’s still time to join us. The link is in my profile. If you haven’t mixed up a dough, don’t worry. Mix it now, or come along and prep yourself for being able to get it done before Christmas.