What an epic episode today’s podcast is. I had my notes, as usual, but @farmandhearth and I went ‘off-piste’ pretty early in the episode and it was fascinating to see where we ended up!
I have a chequered history with comfort foods, having spent my teenage years obese. As you will hear, I used to stir white sugar into extra-creamy yogurts and eat condensed milk out of the tin.
And I found it amazing, talking to Andrea, to realise just how far I’ve shifted. That old me is so far gone…but not without many, many years of conscious research, change and effort, really good quality food and much support from my hubby, Rob.
Listen in to hear us talk about the difference between a comfort food and an addiction, snacking, Epicurus, instincts, and how, the deeper we delve into ancestral foods, the more real pleasure we get from food.
You can find @ancestralkitchenpodcast on your favourite podcast app or you can stream/download it from the link in my profile.