Lasagna with home-made sourdough spelt pasta.
The pasta is egg-free and made with organic, Italian spelt. It was put through the hand-crank #imperia pasta machine by my 7-year-old and I. The sauce is beef mince from my #farmerman Flavio @valledelsasso complimented with a tomato sauce bought at our town’s contadini market (from @radiciumane), tuscan onions and oregano from my crazily-growing plant.
I grated some parmesan (which is always from raw milk here) on the top because I love the crunch and taste.
Tomato doesn’t happen that often in our house, because, as we’ve worked out, my son is lectin-sensitive. A long health journey has taught me, that in our case at least, food intolerances can be complicated and health is a continuum, not static. Every so often we find out where our boundaries are with tests like this. Having food this way – fermented, local and organic – gives us the sure knowledge that we’re giving every ingredient the chance to tell its tale clearly.
More pictures of the lasagna process in my story today (and saved in pasta-making highlight).