#4 – The 5 Most Expensive (And Yet The Cheapest) Foods

We make our bone broth almost exclusively out of garbage.

What if eating real food didn’t have to be prohibitively expensive? The most nutritious, real, nourishing foods have traditionally been the cheapest and simplest – conversely, the expensive, rich meals of the wealthy were often laborious productions involving sweets and refined foods.

It’s time to take back our ancestral wisdom and reclaim foods and skills that once belonged to the people, and have now been relegated to super-expensive and elite grocery stores at staggering prices.

In this episode, Andrea and Alison will discuss five of the most expensive “healthy” foods you can buy – which also happen to be five of the cheapest foods you can make at home!

We will briefly cover the cost of purchasing versus making at home, processes for making, and our favorite resources for each of the following:

Bone broth (12:05)

Sourdough bread* (24:22)

*For a full episode discussing sourdough, there will be a later episode on the podcast!

Kombucha & Water Kefir (35:14)

Kefir & Yoghurt (48:40)

Sauerkraut (1:04:30)

Resources mentioned, in approximate order of appearance:

Andrea quoted from the Radical Homemakers book by Shannon Hayes

Frequently mentioned: The Art of Fermentation by Sandor Ellix Katz

Bone Broth Resources

Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon

Nourishing Broth by Sally Fallon Morell

Bone broth and boullion cubes on Andrea’s blog

Sourdough Bread Resources

The Rye Baker

Alison’s Blog

The Fresh Loaf online forum

Artisan Breads Every Day by Peter Reinhart (with sourdough pizza crust recipe)

How to restart a sourdough

Traditional Cooking School sourdough posts

Briefly mentioned

GAPS diet mentioned offhand by Andrea

Kombucha Resources

Kombucha recipes on Andrea’s blog

Kombucha flavorings on Andrea’s blog

Fruit scrap vinegar on Andrea’s blog

Kombucha Revolution by Stephen Lee and Ken Koopman

The Organic green tea and organic black tea Andrea uses

Cultures for Health kombucha scobys

Kefir & Yoghurt Resources

Wise Traditions podcast kefir episode

Alison’s DIY proofing box post

Beyond the North Wind by Darra Goldstein – the Russian cookbook Alison mentioned

Cultures for Health kefir grains

Sauerkraut & Kimchi Resources

Andrea’s sauerkraut class packet/recipe download

The Healthy Home Economist sauerkraut

Traditional Cooking School sauerkraut

Alison’s Instagram Post about Sauerkraut

Asian Pickles by Karen Solomon

Keeping Food Fresh by The Gardeners & Farmers of Terre Vivante (I found this book by following the footnotes in Nourishing Traditions)

Wild Fermentation by Sandor Ellix Katz

Bonus Resources

Long Way on a Little by Shannon Hayes

Easy Beans by Jackie Freeman

Twelve Months of Monastery Soups by Brother Victor-Antoine d’Avila-Latourette

We’d love to continue the conversation. Come find us on Instagram:

Alison: www.instagram.com/ancestral_kitchen

Andrea: www.instagram.com/farmandhearth

4 Responses

  • Thank you, Andrea and Alison, for providing such in-depth information about food, nutrition, and ancestral cooking. You are explaining not just the “how” but also the “why”. I am also enjoying the comparisons between the US and Italy. So much to learn and it is fun.

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