Identifying food intolerances and restricting can be a super-hard thing to do. My son, now 6, has had them since birth. We’ve been on an incredible journey to work with these, and our own, health issues.
It is, however, just this restriction plus a generous dollop of passion that has guided me in my kitchen creativity.
Here’s what came out for lunch: Left-overs Bread ‘Lasagne’
Restriction – no tomatoes or dairy for my son for a few weeks as we fine-tune his responses to stuff.
Passion – I’ve been really fired up recently about bread waste (the UK throws out 40% of the bread that it buys).
I fried up some onions, mushrooms, garlic and red pepper. I added left-over chicken, red wine and some capers. I created a ‘lasagne’ with layers of this mix alternated with sourdough bread. I covered the lot in ample chicken stock. I baked for 40 minutes. Whilst baking I whizzed up some fresh basil, parsley, garlic, nutritional yeast and cashews into a ‘pesto’.
It was amazing and, I hardly ever say this, perhaps even better cold.
And my son doesn’t feel like he’s restricting at all :-)