Yesterday was a special day for us. August 1st is Lughnasadh, the Gaelic harvest celebration (which later became the Christian Lammas, or Loaf Mass Day). We started celebrating it when we lived on the south-west coast of Cornwall in the UK and have marked the day every year since. . As part of the day, we think back over the past year and bring three things we are grateful for to the table. We share these and then say what we intend to do to honour these gifts in the year to come. . It is beautiful process to go through personally and I love to hear both my husband Rob and our son Gabriel’s thoughts. In addition, for Rob (who loves being here in Italy but also misses Cornwall a lot) it is a way of keeping the Cornish energy alive in our home. . And obviously, every year, there’s my food. This time it was sourdough spelt pizza with home-made walnut/basil pesto and lots of local onions and olive oil. . Lots of good wishes from our home to yours.
Yesterday was a special day for us. August 1st is Lughnasadh, the Gaelic harvest celebration (which later became the Christian Lammas, or Loaf Mass Day). We started celebrating it when we lived on the south-west coast of Cornwall in the UK and have marked the day every year since.
As part of the day, we think back over the past year and bring three things we are grateful for to the table. We share these and then say what we intend to do to honour these gifts in the year to come.
It is beautiful process to go through personally and I love to hear both my husband Rob and our son Gabriel’s thoughts. In addition, for Rob (who loves being here in Italy but also misses Cornwall a lot) it is a way of keeping the Cornish energy alive in our home.
And obviously, every year, there’s my food. This time it was sourdough spelt pizza with home-made walnut/basil pesto and lots of local onions and olive oil.
Lots of good wishes from our home to yours.