I made ricotta for the first time! I’m a newbie at this and tried first with some citric acid…maybe there wasn’t enough, who knows, but it didn’t really work. I swapped, mid-flow, to lemon juice and finally I started to see the curds separating. . This ricotta and is my ‘Freedom’ post as part of the #veryfarmish July challenge. . Why freedom? . My husband ran up the hill to @aziendaagricolapodereruggeri to collect the raw goat milk. No car needed…just legs and clean air and lots and lots of olive trees. He feels so joyfully free when he goes. . I made the ricotta with help from the internet, that encyclopedia of freely-available traditional techniques. With it, I find freedom to create and play. . The ricotta is served on a millet and sorghum sourdough. It’s lectin-free. After years of two-steps-forward, one-back with my son’s food intollerances, finding out about lectins blessed us with a huge leap forward in understanding and healing. That has given him so much more freedom. . And all of it sourced, made and served here in Italy – the place where despite the many leaps and bounds taken (and still to take) living here, I feel freedom so much more strongly that I ever did in the UK. . Thank you @farmandhearth @tiffany.bye and @untamed.nourishment for hosting the challenge this year. I’m really enjoying all the pictures.