I used to be a big drinker. In my 20s. I’d just ‘escaped’ from the prison of being grossly overweight and living as a square peg in a round hole. I swung onto the big job, snazzy car, expensive wine etc path.
Luckily, it didn’t satisfy for too long, and I grew desperate to find something more meaningful.
That journey involved taking responsibility for my health. It wasn’t something I imposed on myself, however. It grew out of my creativity; it was part of wanting to feel better so I could actually do the things I was passionate about.
I remember buying a bottle of Verve Cliquot for a New Year and then leaving it untouched. Wow. After that, 10 years went by and I didn’t drink.
Finding ancient beer is proving an amazing education. It feels so right to be making it. With local grains, sourdough and lots of love. Then using the leftovers to make bread. What else could I do, other than drink some? It tastes unlike any drink I’ve ever had. It makes my meals go down better. And, until some measuring equipment proves me wrong, I’m going to say it’s not very alcoholic.
Every so often, the last year or so, my hubby has bought a local bottle of wine to drink. Since I’ve been making the beer, he’s not thought about it once. Even my 7-year old loves his tiny sips.
Here’s the latest three bottles ready for their second fermentation. They’ll rest for a day or so like this until we gently pour some beer out, careful not to disturb the spelt sediment at the bottom, which I’ll later cook up as porridge.
I’ll never be a big drinker again. But I don’t think l’ll stop making or drinking this either :-)