Second go at a lectin-free bread. This time with 70% millet, 30% sorghum. And to help disguise the very light top, I sprinkled it with ground linseed before baking.
I’m very happy with the rise and I like the taste.
Aside from my own positive experience avoiding lectins, the thing that makes me feel sure that there is truth in the hypothesis of @drstevengundry is that ancient food wisdom has done things for eons that science now knows reduce lectins.
Like Italians taking hours to remove the pips and skins of tomatoes before making sauce rather than throwing it all in; like rising bread through fermentation rather than whipping it up with additives to make a modern loaf; like pasturing animals rather than feeding them soy.
We’re interspersing this lectin-free bread with my ‘normal’ sourdoughs (spelt and rye) and noticing what happens to our bodies and minds. Sourdoughing any grain reduces lectin content, but no-one really knows how much. I intend to find out what works for us.
Taking responsibility for my own health is a vital part of my life. But through creativity and playing in the kitchen, I get to express it as joy and love.
Now to eat some bread!!