For me, it is both a driving passion and an absolute duty to get as close as possible to my food sources. . The pics above are a beautiful example of that: we visited Flavio, and his animals, at @lavalledelsasso a few miles from here. . I start with the pigs because I could hardly drag myself away from them, such wonderful animals. But swipe to see the engine of the farm, Flavio, and one of his cows, along with the raw beef we ate under the shade of a tree. . I often feel sad at the mess we’re making of agriculture in this world. Being part of something real and regenerative lifts me and I can do nothing other than give thanks for the work being done by so many to make a difference and give my resources to support it. . The food we bring into our houses has the power to change the world. I feel that when I work with it in the kitchen. It moves me. It drives me onwards. It brings me hope and joy.