From Instagram

You can make rye bread kvass with old rye sourdough and use the same bread for batch after batch. It’s simple, fizzy, delicious and doesn’t need much attention.
I like it flavoured with fresh mint (which is going crazy in the garden!). If you’re a kvass fan, I’d love to hear how you flavour yours.
My method is in my profile (it’s the first one under the recipes sections).
If you are interested in expanding your fermented drinks repertoire, have a listen to @ancestralkitchenpodcast #60 ‘”What Fermented Drinks Can I Make?’

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#65 – Our Birthing Stories

Just like the Ancestral Diet is so different from the standard American diet, so the ways our ancestors birthed bears very little relation to how modern industrialised communities bring the next generation into the world. In this intimate episode, originally recorded for patrons of the podcast, Andrea and I share our birthing stories.… Read More

From Instagram

Mace is my favourite spice. Last week, I stumbled on it whole in my local herbalist shop.
Italy has a herbalist (‘erboristeria’) in most towns. Some of them have almost been taken over by ‘products’ (i.e. the plastic-encased things you can spray or squeeze!) but usually, at the back, there are shelves and shelves of herbs and behind the counter there is an extremely knowledgeable person who can help with a myriad of things…including getting me some whole mace!
So back to the mace. I love it with sweet potato, add it to my fermenting beet kvass and often plop some into my stock pot at it’s bubbling.
Here I’m grinding it with all spice berries, black pepper and sea salt to make a spice mix for beef liver pate. The pate will also include onion, mushrooms, red wine and lots of butter/lard. Mace mixed with all spice brings wonderful warm tones to the pate, making liver-eating a really pleasurable experience (my 9-year-old loves it).
Have you tried mace? What do you use it for?

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Sorry To See You Go

I’m sorry to see you go from my newsletter. Please note you will still receive emails related to delivery of any products you have bought. Please feel free to re-subscribe to my newsletter at any time via the form at … Read More

From Instagram

Sourdough spelt and carrot muffins.
There are no eggs here – sourdough provides all the rise and carrot gives softness to the inside.
There’s no sugar either – the sweetness is from the carrots and some local honey.
This is an adaptation of a recipe that I previously made as a cake. Why reinvent the wheel if you like what you did?! I love taking things I know how to make and presenting them differently.
The recipe will be in the forthcoming @ancestralkitchenpodcast spelt sourdough cookbook.
Talking of grains…I’m really excited that I have finally taken the plunge and decided to buy an electric grain mill! It should be arriving in the next few days. I can’t wait!

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From Instagram

Boza ice lollies!
It’s very hot here and my little man is in need of something summery, so, thanks to a nudge from @kitchencounterculture, I made ice lollies (or popsicles) by simply pouring fermented Boza into freezer moulds. I know the starter for Boza can survive freezing, so I’m officially calling these lollies probiotic!
Whilst I was in the UK, I passed on some Boza starter to @iamcultured_ – the second pic here is of her first batch which she declared both ‘feisty’ and ‘delicious’ (a great combo, right?!).
The same day the lollies were ready, I got a fab email from a student of my Boza course – swipe for the words that made me smile. And, if you don’t know what Boza is, keep swiping to my explanation.
A video of the boza lolly being eaten is in my story today!

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From Instagram

Black oats! I finally got to see them in the field at @hafodcheese – thank you Rebecca for taking us around your beautiful Welsh Farm.
These are being grown as part of Holden Farm’s crop rotation (as well as making Hafod cheese onsite, they also grow oats and peas). The black oats were *almost* lost – they have the most incredible journey of rediscovery (if you’re interested google Llafur Ni (our grains, in Welsh) to find the Gaia foundation’s beautiful film). Incredible thanks to @the_edible_gardener for being the co-ordinator – I only heard amazing things about you on my trip :-).

This, along with the work that @harrigendall is doing with pillas, the Cornish naked oat that was also almost lost, is bringing me so much closer to British oats and informing the shape of the oat book I am at the very early stages of writing.
I didn’t get to try any of these black oats, but I did (thanks to @kitchencounterculture) come home with a packet of British naked oats from @hodmedods. I’m excited to play with them – my fellow oaty-nerds have told me the flavour is amazing.
I’ll post more pictures in my story today – including my 9-year old with Holden Farm pigs (that was his favourite part of the visit), the delicious cheese we took away with us and a magic book find I made 🙂

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#64 – Better Broths & Healing Tonics

Better Broths and Healing Tonics is a book that blew us away when we found it earlier this year. It is so thorough, so accessible and so creative – sharing many ways to make broths, and make them easy, plus incredible healing recipes for broth tonics, infusions, blends and meals. In this episode, Andrea interviews half of the pair that created the book, Jill Sheppard Davenport.… Read More

From Instagram

Accidentally-impressive spelt sourdough!
I’ve made two sourdough loaves to last our final few days here in the UK. Both the rye and the spelt needed cooking at the same time but my mum (we’re staying with her) only has one large tin. The spelt got baked in the small tin. Doesn’t it look good?!
So, pro- tip: bake your sourdough in a too small tin for a baking confidence boost 🙂
There are some shots from our trip to Wales in my story today. We loved it! Five days off IG, delving into @kitchencounterculture’s amazing cookbook collection! I saw black oats (pictures to follow), spent a day at Holden Farm and had some amazing Welsh food 🙂

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