Before I came across #westonprice, hummus always disagreed with me. Then I learnt how traditional cultures have always processed grains. Since then, I’ve sought out hulled beans (it was in Italy I saw them first: ‘decorticata’), soaked them in water with a little acid medium the night before I cook and then cooked them for at least an hour and a half. Here what I made yesterday: hulled fava beans, blended with ground sesame seeds, garlic and olive oil.

Before I came across #westonprice, hummus always disagreed with me. Then I learnt how traditional cultures have always processed grains. Since then, I’ve sought out hulled beans (it was in Italy I saw them first: ‘decorticata’), soaked them in water with a little acid medium the night before I cook and then cooked them for at least an hour and a half. Here what I made yesterday: hulled fava beans, blended with ground sesame seeds, garlic and olive oil.

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