From Instagram

How much difference does love make to our food? If water changes structure when we speak to it kindly (as #emoto showed with his experiments), how much does bread change when every part of making it is cherished, from the starter to the cutting? These are the two #sourdough breads I make, with love, each week. On the left, 100% wholegrain spelt, on the right 100% wholegrain rye. Somehow they nourish me and my family more than just flour, water and salt should.

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From Instagram

Raw goat’s milk, still warm, from a farm up the hill a few miles. It took me a while to find a farm and then organise an order, but I am so very happy to have #realmilk back in my family’s life. And my son was in love with the warmth! We drank a little each and then I poured the rest in two jars; one for kefir and the other to sour for curd cheese and whey.

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From Instagram

Sourdough ‘Pane Marocca’ adapted for my family. Three ingredients: chestnut flour, wholegrain spelt flour (instead of wheat) and sweet potato (instead of white potato). It is delicious!

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Ancestral Food Podcasts

I love podcasts. I can put in my headphones, shut everything out and lie on the sofa, or chop up some veg whilst learning, laughing and sharing in someone else’s world. And I love the medium so much that I … Read More

From Instagram

I fall in love with food every time I work with it. Local cauliflower under brine with tumeric and nigella seeds ready for some bubbly lacto-fermentation action. Magic in so many ways.

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From Instagram

My sourdough wholegrain spelt pizza cooked in a home-kitchen oven definitely improving. A 24 hour ferment seems to make the dough easier to handle. This one has Italian tomato paste, portobello mushrooms, raw fontina cheese, oregano, fresh tomatoes, garlic and olive oil.

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Come sit at my table and I’ll tell you a story.

Come, sit at my table and I’ll tell you a story. A tale of kitchens, recipes, creativity, baking, sharing and eating packed full of love, sorrow, yearning, passion, wonder, hope, change, curiosity and joy. It’s my life and I’m honoured … Read More

From Instagram

What to do with your kid when you can’t go out due to the Italian lockdown? Make Celeriac chips, of course 🙂 We cut the root very thinly, then mixed up melted coconut oil, tumeric, nigella seeds, black pepper and a little cumin. He’s painting the yellow on and then I’ll bake them in a hot oven, turning half-way, for about 35 mins. It’s important, I remind him, to space them out to help them crisp up.

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From Instagram

I am so in love with dehydrated, crispy walnuts. I soak for a day and then rinse them and line them up to go on at 40C for pretty much another day. They end up with all the bitterness rinsed away, light and so crispy, toasty that they are a delight. Oh, and of course the anti-nutrients have gone too…almost forgot about that!

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From Instagram

Before I came across #westonprice, hummus always disagreed with me. Then I learnt how traditional cultures have always processed grains. Since then, I’ve sought out hulled beans (it was in Italy I saw them first: ‘decorticata’), soaked them in water with a little acid medium the night before I cook and then cooked them for at least an hour and a half. Here what I made yesterday: hulled fava beans, blended with ground sesame seeds, garlic and olive oil.

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